React Finland 2020 - Online Mini-Conference #2 - Recap

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The mini-conference about state management took place 27th of August. It was our second online event and it seems we have found a good format by now.

The mini-conference sessions are available as a YouTube playlist as they finish.

David Khourshid - Introduction to Statecharts#

The event started with David Khourshid's introduction to statecharts. He live-coded through a simple example to explain the approach.

The lecture was part of our premium offering and it's now available to the public as well.

David Khourshid - Everything is an Actor#

In his talk, David Khourshid showed us how everything is an actor and the implications this has on software design.

Yan Lavryushev - Dive in Effector#

Yan Lavryushev focused on Effector, a new state management library that works well with React.

Christian Alfoni - Stitches#

Christian Alfoni dived into Stitches, a new css-in-js approach in his talk. He focused on his journey with the library and how he discovered the architecture.


We wrapped up the event with a panel about state management:


I hope you enjoyed our second event! The next event about design systems happens 22nd of September. You can already get tickets (free or premium) for it so feel free to get one in advance.